Slaget om Innerstan
Although the school has never been really famous for their spirit, or rather, none of the gymnasiums really- slaget om innerstan is the one day of the year where the main gymnasiums around Gothenburg, run around town cheering, singing and yelling - claiming that their school is the best.
This year, we wore our school shirts with pride and marched down to the liseberghall with red and white flags above us. As we sat down in the arena, we shouted and chanted, and it was if though we were actually proud of the school that has so clearly burdened us with the immense heaps of stress and work.
Nonetheless, it was a super fun time and watching the rugby games were definitely the highlight. As the proud, dorky girlfriend that I am, I stood on the sidelines, chewing my nails (okay not actually), and feeling goosebumps along my legs as I cheered for Oscar (despite him being one of the rivalry school), hoping that he wouldn't get pounded to the ground by the buff guys of the opposing team. Nerver acking but definitely so so much fun, especially seeing my babe kicking some ass, and looking mighty mighty fine.
It may not be a day that I would redo again, but I'm so glad I got to experience it atleast once. Having that school spirit, with chants running out of your chest, its something you can't forget and won't want to miss.