Christmas Wishlist
This is in no particular order but here are some things I'm wishing for christmas, Can't wait!
Isa's Christmas Wishlist
1. Missguided bomber jacket //

2. Timberland shoes (regular, original ones)

3. Headphones/Earphones - maybe urbanears or frends headphones (oilslick) if more "luxurious" --

4. Triangl Bikini // Confetti Garden -

5. Book called "Omgiven av Idioter"

6. Trip to Budapest during the summer 2016 (maybe even music festival tickets to Sziget)

7. New Jeans
8. New Sweaters
9. New Cute pjs (from missguided maybe?)

10. New Year's Eve dress
11. Underwear from Victoria secret (including bras)
12. Gift card to monki/bik bok/gina tricot/lindex
13. Polaroid camera

14. Money Money Money