Graduating 9th grade feels so weird now that everyone is going to gymnasium and I won't be able to see the people I'm closest to everyday in school anymore. I was so nervous and panicked because I couldn't get it into my head that I was finally graduating. Reality really smacked me in the face during the whole ceremony when I realized I wouldn't be going to IES, in cute 9A, anymore. And although it was emotional, the ceremony was amazing! There were lots of performances (never going to forget the best performance of Chelsea as she stood up on stage with her sass and power singing "Man in the Mirror) and speeches, a lot of tears and laughs, a lot of blue shiny graduating caps thrown up in the air, and a lot of really really really fugly pictures (luckily a few good ones too.)

I know I have been counting down the days until school ends, but I'm definitely going to miss it.