I'm gonna rant, so sorry beforehand. But I feel like this needs to be heard or written, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'm going to explode.
Why Does Society and well, Guys in General Use the Derogatory Term "LIKE A GIRL?"
It frustrates me.
I mean yes I'm a freaking girl and she might be a freaking woman but why make us feel bad or even ashamed about it. Like when guys say 'oh you run fast for "a girl" it pisses me off. I don't just run fast "for a girl", I run fast. End of sentence. No need for the: "like a girl". I'm faster than a hell lot of guys. Ofcourse I'm not faster than all guys because honestly, there is always gonna be someone (guys and girls) out there better or faster or stronger, but I am fast and not just "for a girl" but just simply as a damn person.
I just find this all so irritating because we women aren't weak or automatically worse than guys because we have a vagina, (I mean because really, that's the only thing that makes us different.) For fuck's sake, just because we aren't ALWAYS as good as guys, it doesn't mean we can't be stronger, faster, braver or just in general - better than them.
And on the otherhand, just because guys are guys, it doesn't mean that they can't or aren't allowed to bawl, be a whimp, scream, be a priss, go shopping for clothes, do "girly things" or whatever the hell they feel like doing, because they're a "boy" or a "man". We are ALL humans. Each and every one of us. We are all; both weak and strong, some "better" and some "worse." And that's what makes us, us. Doesn't matter what gender! It's the differences in personality and not genitalia that make us all unique and fucking amazing! We should embrace it, not degrade it!

I will fucking run like a girl, I will kick like a girl, hell I will scream like a girl. Because I am a girl. And I'm proud of it! All girls should be!